
All gifts to the Longview ISD Foundation, Inc. are tax-deductible.

Making a memorial gift to the Longview ISD Foundation, Inc. is a loving way to remember a friend or loved one. Your memorial gift will pay tribute to the deceased and also make a gift to the continuing excellence of the Longview Independent School District through the programs of the Longview ISD Foundation, Inc. The Foundation will send you a thank you letter on Foundation stationery that includes the amount of the gift for your records and a letter of acknowledgement to the family without including the amount of the gift.

First Name:
Last Name:
City, St, Zip:    -
Email Address:
Card Type:
Card Number:
Card Exp:(mm/yyyy)
CVV Code:

My gift is in memory of:
Street Address:
City, St, Zip:    -

Please acknowledge my memorial gift to:
City, St, Zip:    -
Comments to be included in acknowledgement letter.
Amount of Memorial:$